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Smith Optics

Smith Optics Sunglasses
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Smith Optics Advocate Men's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
ATPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
ATPPCPBK Black frames with polarized copper lenses
ATPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
ATPPGYBL Navy frames with polarized grey lenses
ATPPGYEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized grey-green lenses
Smith Optics Annex Acetate frame sunglasses available in:
ANPPBREVMT Matte tortoise Evolve frames with polarized brown lenses
ANPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
ANPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
ANPPGYEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized grey-green lenses
Smith Optics Audrey Women's acetate frame sunglasses available in:
ADTPGYGSM Smoke frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Optics Backdrop Men's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
BPGPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
BPGPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey-green lenses
BPGPNBMBS Brown stripe frames with polarized green mirror lenses
BPGPPABTT Tortoise frames with polarized / photochromic amber lenses
BPGPPCPMH Black frames with polarized / photochromic copper mirror lenses
BPGPPIGEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized / photochromic ignitor lenses
BPGPUGMBK Black frames with polarized blue mirror lenses
Baseline Round
Smith Optics Baseline Round Men's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
BDPPBRDA Dark ale frames with polarized brown lenses
BDPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
BDPPGYST Steel frames with polarized grey lenses
Baseline Square
Smith Optics Baseline Square Men's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
BSPPBRDA Dark ale frames with polarized brown lenses
BSPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
BSPPGYST Steel frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Optics Boardwalk Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
BRTRBRBR Bronze frames with brown lenses
BRTRBRGGD Gold frames with brown gradient lenses
BRTRGYGSV Silver frames with grey gradient lenses
Smith Optics Cameo Women's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
CACRGYBG Black glitter frames with grey lenses
CACRGYGTT Tortoise pearl frames with grey gradient lenses
CACRRSGRD Red pearl frames with rose gradient lenses
CACRRSGWT White frames with rose gradient lenses
CAPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Optics Capital Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
CPGPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
CPGPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
CPGPPCMBK Black frames with polarized / photochromic copper mirror lenses
Smith Optics Catwalk Women's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
CWPCGYGBL Blue shade frames with grey gradient lenses
CWPCRSGPK Pink eldo frames with rose gradient lenses
CWPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
CWPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Optics Chamber Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
CRGPBRGN Moss green frames with polarized brown lenses
CRGPGYCR Chrome fade frames with polarized grey lenses
CRGPNBMTT Tortoise frames with polarized green mirror lenses
CRGPPABBK Matte black frames with polarized / photochromic amber lenses
CRGPPCMDA Dark ale frames with polarized / photochromic copper lenses
CRGPUGMBK Matte black frames with polarized blue mirror lenses
Smith Optics Chemist Acetate frame sunglasses available in:
CHTPBRSN Stone / green frames with polarized brown lenses
CHTPBRTA Tortoise / army frames with polarized brown lenses
CHTPGYSM Smoke / teal frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Optics Embargo Men's acetate frame sunglasses available in:
EMPPBRCS Chemical stripe frames with polarized brown lenses
EMPPBREVMT Matte tortoise Evolve frames with polarized brown lenses
EMPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
EMPPGYEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized grey-green lenses
Smith Optics Fixture Women's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
FTCRRSGDE Dark eggplant frames with rose gradient lenses
FTTPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
FTTPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
FTTRGYGBS Black stripe frames with grey gradient lenses
Smith Optics Fixx Women's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
FICRBRGBR Brown crystal frames with brown gradient lenses
FICRGRGSM Smoke frames with grey gradient lenses
FIPPBRHV Havana frames with polarized brown lenses
FIPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Optics Foley Men's metal frame sunglasses available in:
FOPCGYSV Silver frames with grey lenses
FOPCGYTP Pastrana signature frames with grey lenses
FOPPGNGD Gold frames with polarized grey-green lenses
FOPPGYGM Gunmetal frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Optics Forum Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
FUPPBRMH Mahogany frames with polarized brown lenses
FUPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey-green lenses
FUPPGYMS Matte sage frames with polarized grey-green lenses
Smith Gallegos Sunglasses (Spring 2009) Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
GLPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
GLPPCPBK Black frames with polarized copper lenses
GLPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Haven Sunglasses (Spring 2009) Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
HVGPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
HVGPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Optics Hideout Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
HDGPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
HDGPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
HDGPNBMTT Tortoise frames with polarized green mirror lenses
HDGPPABTT Tortoise frames with polarized / photochromic amber lenses
HDGPPCMBK Black frames with polarized / photochromic copper mirror lenses
HDGPPCPMH Mahogany frames with polarized / photochromic copper lenses
HDGPPIGEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized / photochromic ignitor lenses
HDGPUGMBK Black frames with polarized blue mirror lenses
Smith Optics Hudson Acetate frame sunglasses available in:
HUPC3BTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
HUPC3PBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
Interlock Spoiler
Smith Optics Interlock Spoiler Men's acetate frame sunglasses available in:
SLPPBREVMT Matte tortoise Evolve frames with polarized brown lenses
SLPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown ignitor lenses
SLPPGYBK Black frames with polarized ignitor lenses
SLPPGYEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized grey-green lenses
SLPPGYSM Smoke frames with polarized grey ignitor lenses
SPPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
SPPPCPBK Black frames with polarized copper lenses
Interlock Trace
Smith Optics Interlock Trace Acetate frame sunglasses available in:
TCPPBREVMT Matte black Evolve frames with polarized grey-green lenses
TCPPBRWS Wood / tortoise frames with polarized brown, ignitor and clear mirror lenses
TCPPCPBK Black frames with polarized copper, yellow lenses
TCPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey, ignitor and clear mirror lenses
Interlock Whisper
Smith Optics Interlock Whisper Acetate frame sunglasses available in:
TCPPBREVMT Matte tortoise Evolve frames with polarized brown lenses
TCPPGYEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized grey-green lenses
WHPPBRBR Brown frames with polarized brown, yellow lenses
WHPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown, ignitor and clear mirror lenses
WHPPCPBK Black frames with polarized copper, yellow lenses
WHPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey, ignitor and clear mirror lenses
Smith Optics Invite Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
INPCBRHN Olive horn frames with brown lenses
INPCGYBK Black frames with grey lenses
INPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
INPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
INPPGYGSM Smoke frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Optics Lockwood Men's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
LWPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
LWPPCPBK Black frames with polarized copper lenses
LWPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
LWPPGYBL Navy frames with polarized grey lenses
LWPPGYEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized grey-green lenses
Smith Optics Maverick Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
MRGPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
MRGPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
MRGPNBMTT Black frames with polarized blue mirror lenses
MRGPPABBK Black frames with polarized / photochromic amber lenses
MRGPPBRDA Dark ale frames with polarized / photochromic brown lenses
MRGPPCMBK Black frames with polarized / photochromic copper mirror lenses
MRGPUGMBK Tortoise frames with polarized green mirror lenses
Smith Optics Method Women's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
MEPC3BGS Green strip frames with polarized brown lenses
MEPC3PBK Black frames with grey polarized lenses
MEPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
Smith Optics Mogul Men's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
MGGPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
MGGPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
MGGPPCMBK Black frames with polarized / photochromic copper mirror lenses
MGGPPIGEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized / photochromic ignitor lenses
Smith Optics Novella Women's acetate frame sunglasses available in:
NVTPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
NVTPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
NVTRBRGVG Violet / green frames with brown gradient lenses
NVTRGYGBT Black / turquoise frames with grey gradient lenses
Smith Optics Omni Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
OMPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
OMPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Optics Outlaw Men's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
OLPCGYBK Black frames with grey lenses
OLPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
OLPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Optics Palace Women's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
PCPCGNGMP Metal petroleum frames with green gradient lenses
PCPCGYGMV Metal violet frames with grey gradient lenses
PCPPBRBR Metal brown frames with polarized brown lenses
PCPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Optics Parallel Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
PLPCBZMIC Ivory frames with bronze mirror lenses
PLPCIGGM Gunmetal frames with ignitor lenses
PLPPBRBR Brown frames with polarized brown, ignitor, clear mirror lenses
PLPPBREVBR Matte tortoise Evolve frames with polarized brown lenses
PLPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey, ignitor, clear mirror lenses
PLPPGYEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized grey-green lenses
Parallel Max
Smith Optics Parallel Max Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
PMPPBRBR Brown frames with polarized brown, yellow lenses
PMPPBREVBR Matte tortoise Evolve frames with polarized brown lenses
PMPPCPBK Black frames with polarized copper, yellow lenses
PMPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey, ignitor, clear mirror lenses
PMPPGYEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized grey-green lenses
Smith Optics Passage Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
PSGPBRGP Graphite frames with polarized brown techlite lenses
PSGPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey techlite lenses
PSGPNBMTT Tortoise frames with polarized green mirror Lenses
PSGPPABBK Black frames with polarized / photochromic amber techlite lenses
PSGPPCMTT Tortoise frames with polarized / photochromic copper mirror techlite lenses
PSGPPCPGP Graphite frames with polarized / photochromic copper techlite lenses
PSGPUGMBK Black frames with polarized blue mirror grey techlite lenses
Smith Optics Pavillion Men's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
PVPCGYBK Black frames with grey lenses
PVPPBRCS Chemical stripe frames with polarized brown lenses
PVPPBREVMT Matte tortoise Evolve frames with polarized brown lenses
PVPPBRHV Havana frames with polarized brown lenses
PVPPCPBK Black frames with polarized copper lenses
PVPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
PVPPGYEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized grey-green lenses
PVPPGYSM Matte smoke frames with polarized grey-green lenses
Pivlock V90
Smith Optics Pivlock V90 Men's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
VNPCBMBL Ice blue frames with blue mirror lenses
VNPCBZMIC Ivory frames with bronze mirror lenses
VNPCGYMBK Black frames with platinum, ignitor, clear mirror lenses
VNPCIGGM Gunmetal frames with ignitor lenses
VNPCPKMVL Violet frames with pink mirror lenses
Pivlock V90 Max
Smith Optics Pivlock V90 Max Men's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
VMPCBRMBC Brown crystal frames with bronze mirror, ignitor, clear mirror lenses
VMPCDMCN Cyan frames with red mirror lenses
VMPCGYMBK Black frames with platinum, ignitor, clear mirror lenses
VMPCIGGM Gunmetal frames with ignitor lenses
VMPCYMCR Crystal frames with yellow mirror lenses
Smith Projekt Sunglasses (Spring 2009) Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
PJPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
PJPPBRWG Woodgrain frames with polarized brown lenses
PJPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Optics Proof Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
PRPCGYBK Gloss black frames with grey lenses
PRPCBRTT Tortoise frames with brown lenses
PRPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
PRPPCPDA Dark ale frames with polarized copper lenses
PRPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Optics Rambler Men's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
RBPPBRBR Brown frames with polarized brown lenses
RBPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey-green lenses
RBPPGYSM Matte smoke frames with polarized grey-green lenses
Smith Optics Redline Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
RLPCBZMIC Ivory frames with bronze mirror lenses
RLPCIGGM Gunmetal frames with ignitor lenses
RLPPBRBR Brown frames with polarized brown, ignitor, clear mirror lenses
RLPPBREVBR Matte tortoise Evolve frames with polarized brown lenses
RLPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey, ignitor, clear mirror lenses
RLPPGYEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized grey-green lenses
Redline Max
Smith Optics Redline Max Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
RMPCDMMB Matte black frames with red mirror lenses
RMPCIGBK Brown frames with polarized brown, ignitor, clear mirror lenses RMPPBRBR Brown frames with polarized grey, ignitor, clear mirror lenses
RMPPBREVBR Matte tortoise Evolve frames with polarized brown lenses
RMPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey, ignitor, clear mirror lenses
RMPPGYEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized grey-green lenses
Smith Optics Riverside Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
RVGPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
RVGPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
RVGPNBMTT Tortoise frames with polarized green mirror lenses
RVGPPABTT Tortoise frames with polarized / photochromic yellow lenses
RVGPPCMBK Black frames with polarized / photochromic copper mirror lenses
RVGPPCPMB Matte black frames with polarized / photochromic copper lenses
RVGPPIGEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized / photochromic ignitor lenses
RVGPUGMBK Black frames with polarized blue mirror lenses
Smith Optics Rosewood Men's metal frame sunglasses available in: RWPCGYSV Silver frames with grey lenses RWPPGNGD Gold frames with polarized grey-green lenses RWPPGYGGP Gunmetal purple frames with polarized grey gradient lenses RWPPGYSV Silver frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Serpico Sunglasses (Spring 2009) Men's metal frame sunglasses available in:
SEPCBRGD Gold frames with brown lenses
SEPCDMMB Matte black frames with red mirror lenses
SEPCGMSV Silver frames with green mirror lenses
SEPCGYGM Gunmetal frames with grey lenses
SEPCGYMBL Blue blaze frames with platinum lenses
SEPCGYMSV Silver frames with platinum lenses
SEPCGYTP Pastrana signature frames with grey lenses
SEPPBRGD Gold frames with polarized brown lenses
SEPPGYGM Gunmetal frames with polarized grey lenses
SEPPGYMSV Silver frames with polarized platinum lenses
Smith Shelter Sunglasses (Spring 2009) Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
SHPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
SHPCGYBK Black frames with grey lenses
SHPPBREVMT Matte tortoise Evolve frames with polarized brown lenses
SHPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
SHPPCPCS Copper stripe frames with polarized copper lenses
SHPPGYEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized grey-green lenses
SHPPPCPBR Brown frames with polarized / photochromic copper lenses
Smith Optics Shoreline Women's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
SHCRBRGAT Tortoise / apple frames with brown gradient lenses
SHCRGYGSB Black / south beach frames with grey gradient lenses
SHCRGYPM Black / plum frames with grey lenses
SHTPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
SHTPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
SHTPGYGSM Smoke frames with polarized grey gradient lenses
Super Method
Smith Super Method Sunglasses (Spring 2009) Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
SMPPBRHN Olive horn frames with polarized brown lenses
SMPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
SMPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Optics Swindle Men's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
SDPCBRGSK Smoke fade frames with brown gradient lenses
SDPPGYBK Black frames with polarized gray lenses
Smith Optics Taggert Men's metal frame sunglasses available in:
TGPCGYEV Evergreen frames with grey lenses
TGPPBRMG Matte gold frames with polarized brown lenses
TGPPGYMB Matte black frames with polarized grey lenses
Smith Threshold Sunglasses (Spring 2009) Men's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
TDPPBREVMT Matte tortoise Evolve frames with polarized brown lenses
TDPPBRGH Graphite frames with polarized brown, RC30, clear mirror lenses
TDPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey, RC30, clear mirror lenses
TDPPGYEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized grey-green lenses
Toaster Slider
Smith Optics Toaster Slider Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
TSPCBPTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown, RC30, clear mirror lenses
TSPCGPBK Black frames with polarized grey, RC30, clear mirror, yellow lenses
TSPPBREVMT Matte tortoise Evolve frames with polarized brown lenses
TSPPGYEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized grey-green lenses
Smith Optics Touchstone Men's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
BPGPPCPMH Black frames with polarized / photochromic copper mirror lenses
TSGPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
TSGPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey-green lenses
TSGPNBMBS Brown stripe frames with polarized green mirror lenses
TSGPPABTT Tortoise frames with polarized / photochromic amber lenses
TSGPPCMBK Matte black Evolve frames with polarized / photochromic ignitor lenses
TSGPPCPMH Mahogany frames with polarized / photochromic copper lenses
TSGPUGMBK Black frames with polarized blue mirror lenses
Smith Optics Undertow Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
UTPPBRBK Black frames with polarized brown lenses
UTPPCPBK Black frames with polarized copper lenses
UTPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
UTPPYWBK Black frames with polarized yellow lenses
Smith Optics Vanguard Men's grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
VGPCGNSC Matte sage frames with grey-green lenses
VGPCGNSK Smoke crystal Frames with gray-green lenses
VGPCGYBK Black frames with grey lenses
VGPPBREVMT Matte tortoise Evolve frames with polarized brown lenses
VGPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
VGPPGYBK Black frames with grey polarized lenses
VGPPGYEVMB Matte black Evolve frames with polarized grey-green lenses
Smith Optics Witness Grilamid frame sunglasses available in:
WTPCBRTT Tortoise frames with brown lenses
WTPCGYBK Black frames with grey lenses
WTPPBRTT Tortoise frames with polarized brown lenses
WTPPCPBK Black frames with polarized copper lenses
WTPPGYBK Black frames with polarized grey lenses
WTPPGYCT Camo tortoise frames with polarized grey lenses

Smith Optics

Smith Optics, known for their diverse line of fashion and performance sunglasses is based in Sun Valley, Idaho. They were founded in 1965 by orthodontist Dr. Bob Smith who handmade his early goggles using dental tools. Dr. Bob invented the first goggle featuring a sealed thermal lens and breathable vent foam.

Building on that goggle heritage and extending its expertise, Smith Optics has gone on to produce high performance eyewear and goggles. Innovations over the years include the Fog-X anti-fog coating, Perforated Membrane Technology lens ventilation system, patented Turbo C.A.M. Constant Air Management system, patented Regulator adjustable lens ventilation system, patented Roll Off's film advance system for motocross, patented Ocular Docking System prescription insert and patented Slider series sunglasses, the most innovative interchangeable lens sunglass available.

Smith Optics boasts some of the top names in biking, motocross, skiing, snowboarding, surfing, skateboarding and wakeboarding. Smith athletes are actively involved in the development process for performance testing and coloration selection. Athletes wearing Smith Optics products include 2010 Olympic bronze metal winner snowboarder Scott Lago, kayaker Patrick Camblin, surfer CJ Hobgood, skier Gus Kenworthy and Ryan Trebon (cyclocross).

Smith Optics has offices across the globe, including its European headquarters located in Florence, Italy, promotions office is in Hossegor, France, and Smith’s surf and MotorSports operations in San Clemente, California.

Smith products are sold worldwide in more than 50 countries. Their products range from $80 to $200.

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