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Click here to read about Gucci
GG 1000/S
Gucci GG1000 Men's acetate frame sunglasses available in:
0807/BN Black frames with dark grey lenses
0806/EJ Dark olive frames with brown lenses
0VDI/NR Havana frames with brown / grey lenses
0WRR/X7 Havana / black frames with brown lenses
GG 1566/S
Gucci GG1566 Plastic frame sunglasses available in:
REE/95 Black Ruthenium frames with grey lenses
REH/MH Havana frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
REJ/YN Crystal frames with silver mirror gradient lenses
GG 1612/S
Gucci GG1612 Plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0086/70 Dark havana frames with brown lenses
0807/BN Black frames with dark grey lenses
GG 1619/S
Gucci GG1619 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
086/X7 Dark havana frames with brown lenses
807/Y2 Black frames with grey polarized lenses
QHC/BN Matte black frames with dark grey lenses
GG 1621/S
Gucci GG1621 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
807/BN Black frames with dark grey lenses
GRL/PO White / blue / red frames with grey lenses
GRW/BN Black / red / green frames with dark grey lenses
I31/X7 Havana web frames with brown lenses
GG 1622/S
Gucci GG1622 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
791/9M Havana frames with pink orange gradient lenses
D28/R6 Shiny black frames with grey lenses
HCM/44 Blue / white frames with dark grey gradient lenses
HD8/LF Red / white frames with grey gradient lenses
OVE/LF White / black frames with grey gradient lenses
OVF/LF Black / white frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 1626/S
Gucci GG1626 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
791/YY Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
D28/JJ Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 1627/S
Gucci GG1627 Plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0791/1W Havana frames with brown grey gradient lenses
0D28/R6 Shiny black frames with grey lenses
0HBZ/LF Red frames with grey gradient lenses
0IPG/KU Blue / white frames with blue avio lenses
0IPI/N3 Black / white frames with grey gradient lenses
0Q20/B8 Lead grey frames with silver mirror lenses
0Q22/G4 Dark / havana / orange frames with brown mirror gradient lenses
0VK6/JJ White frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 1628/S
Gucci GG1628 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0GRJ/JJ Black with white frames and grey gradient lenses
0GRK/U3 Blue / cream / white frames with grey gradient lenses
0GRL/9C White / blue / red frames with dark grey gradient lenses
0IPJ/JJ Grey / white brick frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 1632/S
Gucci GG1632 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0DL5/R6 Black matte frames with grey lenses
0MFB/N3 Grey / opaque / grey frames with grey gradient lenses
0MFE/JJ Dark blue frames with grey gradient lenses
0OVF/JJ Black / white frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 1636/S
Gucci GG1636 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0791/9M Havana frames with pink orange gradient lenses
0D28/T4 Shiny black frames with black mirror lenses
0OVF/JJ Black / white frames with grey gradient lenses
0VK6/9C White frames with dark grey gradient lenses
GG 1638/S
Gucci GG1638 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0LB0/3H Black / dark ruthenium frames with polarized smoke lenses
0UY2/SP Havana / semi matte brown frames with polarized brown lenses
GG 1639/S
Gucci GG1639 Plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0UY4/ED Black / gold frames with brown gradient lenses
0UYA/CC Chocolate / havana / ruthenium frames with brown gradient lenses
0UYC/S1 Brown / grey / dark ruthenium frames with brown gradient lenses
0UYE/DB Blue / matte palladium frames with brown-grey gradient lenses
0UZB/JJ Matte black / semi matte frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 1641/S
Gucci GG1641 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
029A/3H Shiny black frames with polarized smoke lenses
0TRD/JJ Dark havana / black frames with grey gradient lenses
0UWA/BD Dark grey / blue frames with dark grey gradient lenses
GG 1646/S
Gucci GG1646 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
029A/BN Shiny black frames with dark grey lenses
075T/CC Havana / brown frames with brown gradient lenses
075U/N6 Honey / black frames with grey gradient lenses
0O16/70 Dark havana / brown frames with brown lenses
0RQP/9C / Crystal white frames with dark grey gradient lenses
GG 1647/S
Gucci GG1647 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0791/70 Havana frames with brown lenses
0D28/N6 Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 1648/S
Gucci GG1648 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0791/70 Havana frames with brown lenses
0D28/BN Shiny black frames with dark grey lenses
0Z4R/JJ Dark grey / opal lenses with grey gradient lenses
GG 1649/S
Gucci GG1649 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0ACZ/BN Black frames with dark grey lenses
0I9Y/85 Havana / rose gold frames with grey-green lenses
0JJ3/76 Grey ruthenium frames with blue lenses
GG 1653/S
Gucci GG1653 Ski goggles available in:
09ID/ER Black matte frames with silver mirror lenses
07GI/ER White matte frames with silver mirror lenses
03AY/ER Red shiny frames with silver mirror lenses
GG 1827/S
Gucci GG1827 Metal frame sunglasses available in:
4DJ/JJ Palladium frames with grey gradient lenses
BNB/ZR Black frames with grey lenses
BNC/IS Gold frames with brown gradient lenses
BNC/YU Gold frames with violet gradient lenses
BND/5U Chocolate frames with brown gradient lenses
BNH/3C Dark Ruthenium frames with mirror black lenses
DLC/K3 Gold frames with brown gradient lenses
N06/ZR Black frames with grey gradient lenses
NIV/JJ Ruthenium frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 1856/S
Gucci GG1856 Metal frame sunglasses available in:
REQ/AH Dark Ruthenium frames with grey polarized lenses
RER/QQ Gold frames with brown polarized lenses
RES/BN Ruthenium frames with dark grey lenses
RET/X7 Semi-matte Ruthenium frames with brown lenses
GG 1889/S
Gucci GG1889 Metal frame sunglasses available in:
85K/BN Ruthenium black frames with dark grey lenses
L30/S8 Antique gold/brown havana frames with brown gradient lenses
OUN/DB Antique gold frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
RQY/PF Ruthenium burgundy opal frames with dark grey shaded lenses
SAM/PF Ruthenium blue frames with dark grey shaded lenses
GG 1894/S
Gucci GG1894 Men's metal frame sunglasses available in:
1CU/9C Matte dark ruthenium grey frames with dark grey gradient lenses
1FL/73 Light brown opal frames with brown bronze lenses
BKS/R6 Shiny black frames with grey lenses
SPV/W0 Gold dark havana frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 1923/S
Gucci GG1923 Men's stainless steel frame sunglasses available in:
86Q/RC Light / dark havana frames with polarized green lenses
APQ/X1 Gold / dark havana frames with brown lenses
DJK/BN Matte black / shiny black frames with dark grey lenses
GG 1924/S
Gucci GG1924 Men's metal frame sunglasses available in:
86Q/RC Light / dark havana frames with polarized green lenses
APQ/X1 Gold / dark havana frames with brown lenses
DJK/BN Matte black / shiny black frames with dark grey lenses
EEI/IC Light gold / black frames with grey mirror gradient silver lenses
I2T/PO Ruthenium / havana turquoise frames with grey lenses
GG 1927/F/S Italy Gucci GG1927 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0I3V/CC Brown / dark havana frames with brown gradient lenses
0NJD/VK Ruthenium / smoke frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 1933/S
Gucci GG1933 Men's metal frame sunglasses available in:
6XL/9C Dark ruthenium / white frames with dark grey gradient lenses
BGY/N3 Ruthenium / black frames with grey gradient lenses
BKS/R6 Shiny black frames with grey lenses
EW0/YY Light gold / havana frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 1934/S
Gucci GG1934 Men's metal frame sunglasses available in:
3RF/CC Brown / dark havana frames with brown gradient lenses
65Z/JJ Black frames with grey gradient lenses
85L/JS Palladium / white frames with grey gradient lenses
IPO/U3 Palladium / blue frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 1943/S
Gucci GG1943 Men's metal frame sunglasses available in:
0UYZ/ED Cuir leather frames with brown gradient lenses
0UZA/EU Black leather frames with grey gradient lenses
0UZF/CC Dark chocolate leather frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 1944/S
Gucci GG1944 Men's metal frame sunglasses available in:
0BKS/BN Shiny black frames with dark grey lenses
0UWO/JJ Semi matte black / ruthenium frames with grey gradient lenses
0UWP/CC Brown / gunmetal / ruthenium frames with brown gradient lenses
0UWS/JJ White / ruthenium frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 1945/S
Gucci GG1945 Men's metal frame sunglasses available in:
0KJ1/RC Dark ruthenium frames with polarized green lenses
0OWT/CC Matt brown frames with brown gradient lenses
0PDE/3H Semi matte black frames with polarized smoke lenses
GG 1946/S
Gucci GG1946 Plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0KJ1/3H Dark ruthenium frames with polarized smoke lenses
0PDE/BN Semi matte black frames with dark grey lenses
0SIG/SP Opaque brown frames with polarized brown lenses
GG 1950/S
Gucci GG1950 Men's metal frame sunglasses available in:
00Q8/70 Brown frames with brown lenses
00Q8/SP Brown frames with polarized bronze lenses
06XL/BN Dark ruthenium / white frames with dark grey lenses
0M7A/3H Semi matte black frames with polarized smoke lenses
0M7A/BN Semi matte black frames with dark grey lenses
GG 1951/S
Gucci GG1951 Men's metal frame sunglasses available in:
027H/PT Dark ruthenium / black frames with grey gradient lenses
075V/9U Blue / white frames with smoke mirror gradient lenses
075X/CN Red frames with dark grey mirror lenses
0BKS/R6 Shiny black frames with grey lenses
0OSI/U5 White frames with green-grey lenses
GG 1956/S
Gucci GG1956 Men's metal frame sunglasses available in:
0009/IF Gold shiny matte frames with brown gradient lenses
06LB/JJ Ruthenium frames with grey gradient lenses
0OWI/BZ Dove grey frames with brown-green lenses
0PDE/BN Semi matte black frames with dark grey lenses
GG 2772/S
Gucci GG2772 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
6LB/29 Ruthenium frames with grey gradient lenses
AU2/YU Red gold frames with violet gradient lenses
CBX/IS Chocolate frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
J5G/P0 Gold frames with dark brown lenses
GG 2782/S
Gucci GG2775 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
3YG/5E Light gold frames with brown gradient lenses
HCF/ZR Ruthenium frames with grey gradient lenses
J5G/5U Gold frames with brown gradient lenses
J5G/HB Gold frames with brown bronze lenses
YB7/MD Rhodium frames with pink gradient lenses
YB7/SS Rhodium frames with silver mirror lenses
GG 2807/S
Gucci GG2807 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
006/P9 Shiny black frames with grey lenses
6LB/29 Shiny Ruthenium frames with grey gradient lenses
J5G/IS Shiny gold frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
QTH/JD Shiny brown frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 2820/F/S
Gucci GG2820F Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
010/ZR Shiny Palladium frames with grey gradient lenses
J5G/YT Shiny gold frames with brown/violet gradient lenses
KJ1/ZR Shiny dark Ruthenium frames with grey gradient lenses
VTC/5E Shiny brown frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 2846/S
Gucci GG2846 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
TNH/JJ Ruthenium black frames with grey shaded lenses
YC6/O0 Gold black frames with grey gradient lenses
YD2/T3 Gold dark tortoise frames with brown gradient lenses
YD3/DL Gold dark brown frames with brown gradient lenses
YE9/Y4 Gold haze frames with lilac lenses
GG 2851/S
Gucci GG2851 Women's metal and plastic frame sunglasses available in:
84E/02 Gold beige frames with brown gradient lenses
APQ/YY Gold havana frames with brown gradient lenses
OSR/LF Palladium / white frames with grey gradient lenses
V81/PT Ruthenium black frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 2861/S
Gucci GG2861 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
65Z/LF Black frames with grey gradient lenses
I32/R5 Brown havana frames with brown gradient lenses
I37/DG Violet / dark violet frames with smoke gradient lenses
SJR/DB White frames with brown grey gradient lenses
GG 2875/S
Gucci GG2875 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
BLS/95 Gold / black frames with grey lenses
IP3/YY Gold / havana frames with brown gradient lenses
OSR/JJ Palladium / white frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 2887/S
Gucci GG2887 Metal frame sunglasses available in:
0UYZ/S6 Cuir leather frames with brown gradient lenses
0UZA/JJ Black leather frames with grey gradient lenses
0UZF/CC Dark chocolate leather frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 2890/S
Gucci GG2890 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
06XL/PT Dark ruthenium / white frames with grey gradient lenses
0BGY/VK Black / ruthenium frames with grey gradient lenses
0BKS/P9 Shiny black frames with grey lenses
0UWW/QX Shiny brown / havana frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 2891/S
Gucci GG2891 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
0UXG/JS Carmel / rose gold frames with grey gradient lenses
0UWZ/02 Dark cocoa / dark ruthenium frames with brown gradient lenses
0UWX/JJ Shiny black / gold frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 2897/S
Gucci GG2897 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
00Q2/CC Brown / havana frames with brown gradient lenses
02D5/44 Lacquer blue frames with dark grey gradient lenses
065Z/N6 Black frames with grey gradient lenses
0DLA/DX Gold / white frames with dark grey gradient lenses
GG 2898/S
Gucci GG2898 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
075V/9U Blue / white frames with smoke mirror gradient lenses
075X/CN Red frames with dark grey mirror lenses
0BKS/BN Shiny black frames with dark grey lenses
0OSI/U5 White frames with green-grey lenses
0SIU/DT Palladium / green frames with brown gradient lenses
0UWW/CC Shiny brown / havana frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 2899/S
Gucci GG2899 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
00Q4/NH Natural leather frames with brown mirror gold lenses
0006/89 Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
0DMV/6P White frames with brown gold lenses
GG 2908/S
Gucci GG2908 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
0001/CC Yellow / gold frames with brown gradient lenses
0DDB/PR Gold / copper frames with grey-brown lenses
0KJ1/HD Dark ruthenium frames with grey gradient lenses
0RO1/DB Bronze frames with brown-grey gradient lenses
GG 2909/S
Gucci GG2909 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
0V6N/II Black / antique gold frames with grey gradient lenses
0V7J/NG India jade / gold frames with light green lenses
0001/LP Yellow / gold frames with powder rose lenses
GG 2983/S
Gucci GG2983 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
086/CC Dark havana frames with brown gradient lenses
807/LF Black frames with grey gradient lenses
RDQ/02 Brown brilliant frames with grey gradient lenses
RDZ/LF Black brilliant frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 2987/S
Gucci GG2987 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
086/65 Dark havana frames with brown lenses
807/BN Black frames with dark grey lenses
RDQ/02 Brown brilliant frames with brown gradient lenses
RDZ/LF Black brilliant frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 3034/S
Gucci GG3034 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
43H/FM Burgundy opal frames with brown violet shaded lenses
D28/BN Shiny black frames with dark grey lenses
KTR/YR Violet frames with green gradient lenses
V08/DB Havana frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
GG 3079/S
Gucci GG3079 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
A70/JJ Black/black floral frames with grey shaded lenses
A7N/BN Black/floral black frames with dark grey lenses
A7P/JJ White/white floral frames with grey shaded lenses
GG 3097/S
Gucci GG3097 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
D28/N3 Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
GTF/K2 Burgundy frames with mauve lenses
V08/EJ Havana frames with brown lenses
GG 3099/S
Gucci GG3099 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
CMG/S8 Truffle frames with brown gradient lenses
D28/N3 Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
EUO/PG Blue beige frames with grey blue gradient lenses
EWP/XK Red beige frames with burgundy gradient lenses
V08/DB Havana frames with brown grey gradient lenses
GG 3102/S
Gucci GG3102 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
791/DB Havana frames with brown grey gradient lenses
VTD/9C Smoke frames with dark grey gradient lenses
GG 3105/S
Gucci GG3105 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
791/02 Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
BJC/DG Violet frames with smoke gradient lenses
CMG/02 Truffle frames with brown gradient lenses
D28/LF Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 3107/S
Gucci GG3107 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
086/YY Dark havana frames with brown gradient lenses
807/LF Black frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 3108/S
Gucci GG3108 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
D28/BN Shiny black frames with dark grey lenses
HBT/9M Havana frames with pink orange gradient lenses
HCE/JD Red / black frames with brown gradient lenses
IPI/JJ Black / white frames with grey gradient lenses
VK6/LF White frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 3110/S
Gucci GG3110 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
CMF/DB Havana frames with brown grey gradient lenses
D28/BN Shiny black frames with dark grey lenses
D28/LF Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
EWP/XK Red beige frames with burgundy gradient lenses
HBD/FM Beige powder frames with brown violet gradient lenses
HBI/LF Blue shaded frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 3111/S
Gucci GG3111 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
CMF/EJ Havana frames with brown lenses
D28/BN Shiny black frames with dark grey lenses
HBS/BQ Blue frames with grey lenses
U13/BN Black frames with dark grey lenses
U13/Y2 Black frames with polarized grey lenses
GG 3113/F/S
Gucci GG3113 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
791/02 Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
D28/JJ Shiny black frames with grey shaded lenses
HXX/JD Brown pearl frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 3125/S
Gucci GG3125 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
086/S2 Dark havana frames with brown gradient lenses
01OK/S1 Brown / powder pink frames with brown gradient lenses
807/JJ Black frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 3126/S
Gucci GG3126 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0086/S2 Dark havana frames with brown gradient lenses
0IPA/DG Gradient brown / blue frames with smoke gradient lenses
GG 3128/S
Gucci GG3128 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0791/YY Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
0D28/JJ Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
0IP8/N3 Violet / silver frames with grey gradient lenses
0IP9/YD Brown / gold frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 3129/S
Gucci GG3129 Women's acetate frame sunglasses available in:
0IOR/CB Bordeaux / shiny red frames with brown gradient lenses
0IOW/S8 Beige / havana brown frames with brown gradient lenses
0P8R/CC Havana brown frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 3131/S
Gucci GG3131 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
791/CC Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
D28/JJ Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
IOK/S1 Brown poweder pink frames with brown gradient lenses
VK6/LF White frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 3132/S
Gucci GG3132 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0D28/JJ Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
0IP0/FM Red frames with brown violet gradient lenses
0IPI/U3 Blue frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 3139/S
Gucci GG3139 Women's acetate frame sunglasses available in:
0791/YY Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
0T54/N3 Black / pearl white frames with grey gradient lenses
0UN0/LY Violet / bronze frames with light grey gradient lenses
GG 3140/S
Gucci GG3140 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0791/YY Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
0D28/R6 Shiny black frames with grey lenses
0UNB/FM Burgundy / pink frames with brown violet gradient lenses
0UND/JJ Blue / gold frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 3155/S
Gucci GG3155 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0791/CC Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
0D28/JJ Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
0QHD/CC Brown frames with brown gradient lenses
0RVS/FM Beige frames with brown violet gradient lenses
GG 3157/S
Gucci GG3157 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0791/9M Havana frames with pink orange gradient lenses
0D28/JJ Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
0OVF/JJ Black / white frames with grey gradient lenses
0SGB/DG Violet / plum / silver frames with smoke gradient lenses
0VK6/9C White frames with dark grey gradient lenses
GG 3159/S
Gucci GG3159 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0086/44 Dark havana frames with dark grey lenses
0IPR/IF Havana / blue frames with brown azure gradient lenses
0UXO/BD Grey pearl / black frames with dark grey gradient lenses
0UXP/CC Brown / gold frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 3161/S
Gucci GG3161 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
020E/CC Olive pattern frames with brown gradient lenses
0SGR/BD Black diamond frames with dark grey gradient lenses
0URD/JS Dark havana pattern frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 3162/S
Gucci GG3162 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
00M3/02 Chocolate havana frames with brown gradient lenses
0D28/BN Shiny black frames with dark grey lenses
0OVE/JJ White / black frames with grey gradient lenses
0OVF/JJ Black / white frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 3163/S
Gucci GG3163 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0791/JS Havana frames with grey gradient lenses
0D28/JJ Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 3164/S
Gucci GG3164 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0791/JS Havana frames with grey gradient lenses
0D28/JJ Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
0MGI/DG Violet / bronze frames with smoke gradient lenses
GG 3166/S
Gucci GG3166 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0791/CC Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
0AG5/BD Blue opal frames with dark grey gradient lenses
0D28/JJ Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
0HSD/JS Brown frames with grey gradient lenses
0OD9/CC Havana / green / red frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 3168/S
Gucci GG3168 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0791/CC Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
0D28/JJ Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
0UXW/JS Stone opal frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 3169/S
Gucci GG3169 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0791/JS Havana frames with grey gradient lenses
0D28/JJ Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
0UXX/IF Blue opal frames with brown azure gradient lenses
0UXY/D8 Dark red / rust frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 3170/S
Gucci GG3170 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0791/JS Havana frames with grey gradient lenses
0UXW/IF Stone opal frames with brown azure gradient lenses
0UXZ/DB Beige frames with brown grey gradient lenses
GG 3187/S
Gucci GG3187 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0791/CC Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
0D28/DG Shiny black frames with smoke gradient lenses
0IWW/S1 Brown / yellow frames with brown gradient lenses
0IXV/JJ Blue turquoise frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 3188/S
Gucci GG3188 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
00R2/K8 Bordeaux / coral frames with brown gradient lenses
00R4/JS Brown / pink frames with grey gradient lenses
0791/CC Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
0D28/DG Shiny black frames with smoke gradient lenses
GG 3190/S
Gucci GG3190 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
00R8/K8 Brown / pink frames with brown gradient lenses
00S0/ED Brown / orange frames with brown gradient lenses
00S1/PR Brown / violet / blue frames with grey brown lenses
0807/BD Black frames with dark grey gradient lenses
GG 3194/S
Gucci GG3194 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0791/CC Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
0D28/BD Shiny black frames with dark grey gradient lenses
GG 3206/S
Gucci GG3206 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0D28/BN Shiny black frames with dark grey lenses
0Q18/EJ Chocolate havana frames with brown lenses
GG 3207/S
Gucci GG3207 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
084I/JJ Blue opal frames with grey gradient lenses
09I5/IC Grey transparent / white frames with grey mirror gradient lenses
0A03/K8 Bordeaux frames with brown gradient lenses
0A0A/IF Smoke / green frames with brown azure gradient lenses
0D28/HD Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
0Q18/CC Chocolate havana frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 3208/S
Gucci GG3208 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
005L/CC Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
0807/BN Black frames with dark grey lenses
0HKN/HD Crystal white frames with grey gradient lenses
0O39/K8 Violet / beige frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 3500/S
Gucci GG3500 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
0791/J6 Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
0WNO/EU Black / grey frames with grey gradient lenses
0WNQ/02 Shaded brown frames with brown gradient lenses
0WNT/UA Shiny blue frames with azure flash silver lenses
0WNY/K8 Shaded violet frames with brown gradient lenses
Older Models
GG 1568/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG1568 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
584/BN Black frames with dark grey lenses
CBI/TK Dark grey frames with black mirror lenses
CBO/C9 Light brown frames with brown lenses
GG 1582/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG1582 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
AGL/P9 Dark shiny Ruthenium black opal frames with grey lenses
KJ1/0W Dark shiny Ruthenium frames with smoke lenses
QQN/8T Antique gold shiny brown frames with brown lenses
GG 1583/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG1583 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
D28/P9 Black frames with grey lenses
NIA/HZ Dark grey frames with smoke lenses
V08/6J Havana frames with brown lenses
GG 1586/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG1586 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
086/T8 Dark havana frames with ebony lenses
806/8U Dark olive frames with dark brown lenses
807/TD Black frames with smoke polarized lenses
GG 1587/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG1587 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
QNJ/BN Semi-matte black frames with dark grey lenses
QZN/8U Dark olive/shiny brown frames with dark brown lenses
QZT/3H Shiny Ruthenium/blue frames with smoke polarized lenses
GG 1594/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG1594 Men's metal and plastic frame sunglasses available in:
AQM/BN Black/shiny black frames with dark grey lenses
OIE/DB Dark havana palladium frames with brown / grey gradient lenses
VMW/S8 Horn / shiny alladium frames with brown lenses
GG 1600/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG1600 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
18C/YY Brown frames with brown gradient lenses
D28/R6 Shiny black frames with grey lenses
V08/X1 Havana frames with brown lenses
GG 1604/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG1604 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
18C/YY Brown frames with brown gradient lenses
D28/R6 Shiny black frames with grey lenses
V08/X1 Havana frames with brown lenses
GG 1605/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG1605 Men's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
D28/BN Shiny black frames with dark grey lenses
Q3V/X7 Dark havana frames with brown lenses
GG 1798/N/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG1798N Metal frame sunglasses available in:
RFW/V2 Ruthenium frames with grey MS lenses
RFW/ZR Ruthenium frames with grey gradient lenses
RFX/IS Gold frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
RFY/ZR Dark Ruthenium frames with grey gradient lenses
RFZ/5U Light gold frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 1799/N/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG1799N Metal frame sunglasses available in:
RFW/V2 Ruthenium frames with grey MS lenses
RFW/ZR Ruthenium frames with grey gradient lenses
RFX/IS Gold frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
RFY/ZR Dark Ruthenium frames with grey gradient lenses
RFZ/5U Light gold frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 1871/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG1871 Men's metal frame sunglasses available in:
NKI/P9 Shiny black frames with grey lenses
NLI/P9 Semi-opaque Ruthenium frames with grey lenses
QGH/6J Semi-opaque brown frames with brown lenses
GG 1912/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG1912 Men's metal frame sunglasses available in:
KJ1/R6 Ruthenium frames with grey lenses
YF7/DB Gold brown frames with brown grey gradient lenses
GG 2598/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2598 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
BNM/DA Havana frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
D28/LE Black frames with grey gradient lenses
DLT/08 Blue Opal frames with dark blue gradient lenses
GG 2599/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2599 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
BNM/DA Havana frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
BNM/DS Havana frames with brown polarized lenses
D28/LE Black frames with grey gradient lenses
D28/Y2 Black frames with grey polarized lenses
DLU/X4 Opal cherry frames with burgundy gradient lenses
DLV/LE Opal green frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 2801/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2801 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
006/ZR Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
ONR/6J Shiny brown frames with brown lenses
OUN/IS Antique gold frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
GG 2802/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2802 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
65Z/VK Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
OVB/MH Shiny brown/dark havana frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
OVC/2K Antique red frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 2830/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2830 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
24J/ZV Havana Antique gold frames with brown gradient lenses
CVS/N2 Black Ruthenium frames with grey gradient lenses
QTU/94 Truffle light bronze frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 2833/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2833 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
1YC/S8 Shiny brown/dark olive frames with brown gradient lenses
1ZF/44 Lacquered blue frames with dark grey gradient lenses
1ZS/IS Lacquered Ivory truffle frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
SPV/IS Gold dark havana frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
GG 2834/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2834 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
1ZF/44 Lacquered blue frames with dark grey gradient lenses
1ZS/IS Lacquered ivory truffle frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
SPV/IS Gold dark havana frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
GG 2863/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2863 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
65Z/44 Black frames with dark grey gradient lenses
APQ/YY Gold havana frames with brown gradient lenses
I2S/KX Blue frames with dark blue gradient lenses
VXP/YY Brown havana frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 2864/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2864 Women's metal frame sunglasses available in:
65Z/44 Black frames with dark grey gradient lenses
APQ/YY Gold havana frames with brown gradient lenses
I2S/KX Blue frames with dark blue gradient lenses
VXP/YY Brown havana frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 2935/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2935 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
086/02 Dark havana frames with brown gradient lenses
086/DS Dark havana frames with brown polarized lenses
807/Y2 Black frames with grey polarized lenses
EON/IT Blue frames with blue gradient lenses
EOO/DA Brown frames with grey gradient lenses
RDZ/LE Black glitter frames with grey gradient lenses
REA/S2 Dark red glitter frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 2943/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2943 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
CAO/CC Brown opal frames with brown gradient lenses
CAO/S6 Brown opal frames with brown gradient lenses
CMF/65 Havana frames with brown lenses
CMH/S2 Shiny red frames with brown gradient lenses
CMH/S6 Shiny red opal frames with brown gradient lenses
D28/BM Black frames with dark grey lenses
GG 2966/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2966 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
086/70 Dark havana frames with brown lenses
086/DS Dark havana frames with brown polarized lenses
806/EJ Dark olive frames with brown lenses
807/BN Black frames with dark grey lenses
807/Y2 Black frames with grey polarized lenses
8UD/U0 Sand frames with brown lenses
LFY/L3 Burgundy frames with dark mauve lenses
GG 2967/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2967 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
086/8U Dark havana frames with dark brown lenses
34B/L3 Red havana frames with dark mauve lenses
807/BM Black frames with dark grey lenses
AKF/LE Violet havana frames with grey gradient lenses
EGP/LE Grey havana frames with grey gradient lenses
LGA/1E Green havana frames with green lenses
GG 2969/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2969 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
ANI/02 Grey Spiegel frames with brown gradient lenses
ANI/NQ Grey Spiegel frames with brown gradient mirror lenses
ANO/NJ Light gold Spiegel frames with brown gold mirror lenses
HXI/CC Gold Spiegel frames with brown gradient lenses
NK4/CC Dark havana frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 2996/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2996 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
086/DB Dark havana frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
807/BN Black frames with dark grey lenses
E5Z/EJ Grey frames with brown lenses
LFV/L3 Burgundy frames with dark mauve lenses
GG 2997/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2997 Women's acetate frame sunglasses available in:
086/DB Dark havana frames with brown grey gradient lenses
807/BN Black frames with dark grey lenses
LFV/L3 Burgundy frames with dark mauve lenses
GG 2998/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2998 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
F31/P9 Shiny black frames with grey lenses
NHO/6J Dark havana/shiny gold frames with brown lenses
QTR/JD Dark olive/shiny beige frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 2999/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG2999 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
CVS/ZR Black shiny Ruthenium frames with grey gradient lenses
NHO/K1 Dark havana shiny gold frames with brown gradient lenses
QTR/JD Dark olive shiny beige frames with brown gradient lenses
QTT/YT Burgundy dark ruthenium frames with brown/violet gradient lenses
GG 3006/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3006 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
584/BN Black frames with dark grey lenses
OUV/DB Dark olive frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
OVR/J8 Burgundy frames with mauve gradient lenses
TBQ/LF Dark violet frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 3015/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3015 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
D28/BN Black frames with dark grey lenses
V08/DB Havana frames with brown / grey gradient lenses
VK6/NJ White frames with brown gold mirror lenses
GG 3017/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3017 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
D28/LF Black frames with grey gradient lenses
OVO/S2 Cocoa frames with brown gradient lenses
QFI/J8 Violet frames with mauve gradient lenses
V08/02 Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 3018/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3018 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
D28/LF Black frames with grey gradient lenses
OVO/S2 Cocoa frames with brown gradient lenses
QFI/J8 Violet frames with mauve gradient lenses
V08/02 Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 3026/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3026 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
D28/BN Shiny black frames with dark grey lenses
HXX/02 Brown pearl frames with brown gradient lenses
OWD/02 Dark burgundy pearl frames with brown gradient lenses
V08/EJ Havana frames with brown lenses
GG 3027/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3027 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
V08/DB Havana frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
OKV/02 Burgundy frames with brown gradient lenses
D28/BN Shiny black frames with dark grey lenses
GG 3030/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3030 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
086/DB Olive amber frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
2C1/7V Pearl white frames with grey gradient lenses
807/7V Black frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 3031/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3031 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
D28/7V Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
HXX/02 Brown pearl frames with brown gradient lenses
V08/DB Havana frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
GG 3032/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3032 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
086/DB Olive amber frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
807/BN Black frames with dark grey lenses
20E/8U Dark olive diamond pattern frames with dark brown lenses
GG 3036/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3036 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
086/DB Olive amber frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
46K/PT Black grey crystal frames with brown gradient lenses
6RL/DG Pearl blue frames with smoke gradient lenses
6RU/02 Brown pearl frames with brown gradient lenses
MTR/J8 Violet crystal frames with mauve gradient lenses
GG 3040/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3040 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
086/DB Olive amber frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
2C1/DB Pearl white frames with brown/grey gradient lenses
46K/PT Black grey crystal frames with grey gradient lenses
6RU/02 Brown pearl frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 3044/F/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3044F Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
43H/FM Burgundy opal frames with brown violet shaded lenses
87E/02 Brown frames with brown gradient lenses
D28/LF Shiny black frames with grey gradient lenses
GG 3058/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3058 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
D28/JJ Shiny black frames with grey shaded lenses
U58/W0 Havana pink frames with brown gradient lenses
U5F/J8 Red Lilac frames with mauve gradient lenses
GG 3059/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3059 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
D28/JJ Shiny black frames with grey shaded lenses
U5P/J8 Cyclamen frames with mauve gradient lenses
V08/YY Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
VMT/R5 Honey frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 3061/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3061 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
D28/JJ Shiny black frames with grey shaded lenses
V08/YY Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 3062/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3062 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
U6D/JJ Black crystal/black frames with grey shaded lenses
U72/CC Havana crystal/havana frames with brown gradient lenses
U74/R5 Honey frames with brown gradient lenses
U78/9C Blue crystal frames with dark grey gradient lenses
U7A/PN White crystal/white frames with olive gradient lenses
U7E/FM Burgundy crystal frames with brown violet gradient lenses
GG 3070/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3070 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
D28/JJ Shiny black frames with grey shaded lenses
L1K/S8 White milk frames with brown gradient lenses
V08/CC Havana frames with brown gradient lenses
GG 3077/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3077 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
U70/JJ Black/black floral frames with grey shaded lenses
A7N/BN Black/floral black frames with dark grey lenses
A7P/JJ White/white floral frames with grey shaded lenses
GG 3078/S
*Phased Out
Gucci GG3078 Women's plastic frame sunglasses available in:
A70/JJ Black/black floral frames with grey shaded lenses
A7N/BN Black/floral black frames with dark grey lenses
A7P/JJ White/white floral frames with grey shaded lenses


Gucci was founded in Florence, Italy in 1921 by Guccio Gucci. Guccio had spent years working at the Savoy Hotel in London and saw the appreciation the English nobility had for beautiful, well-crafted goods. His goal was to introduce this same sensibility to his native Italy through his leather shop. Soon, the Gucci reputation spread and the company prospered, selling bags, trunks, gloves, shoes and belts.

Through the 1930's and even the years of WWII, the company continued to grow. In the 50's, stores opened up in Milan and New York. Guccio Gucci died in 1953, and his sons Aldo, Vasco, Ugo and Rodolfo took over the business. In to the 1960's, Gucci products continued to catch on and soon celebrities like Jackie Kennedy, Elizabeth Taylor and Grace Kelly were seen with Gucci shoulder bags, scarves, etc. Also in the 60's, the double 'G' logo was established.

Stores opened up in London, Palm Beach, Paris and Beverly Hills in the 60's. In the 1970's the push was towards the east, and stores were opened in Tokyo and Hong Kong. In 1982 Gucci went public, issuing stock on 50% of the company, with the remaining 50% being held by Rodolfo Gucci. The 80's were not kind to Gucci. With Gucci family members feuding. Each tried to carve out their own piece of the company, establish new lines, price points, etc. The market became oversaturated and the Gucci name lost its clout. In the late 80's the remaining 50% ownership is purchased by Investcorp.

Tom Ford become creative director in 1994 at the age of 32. Ford, who had been with Gucci since 1990, steered the company in a new direction, successfully creating a new image and restoring the Gucci name to its glory days.

Today, Gucci operates dozens and dozens and dozens of stores worldwide. There are about 50 stores in the US, they are in Ireland to the Ukraine in Europe, in South Africa, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, in eight countries in the Middle East, and of course, from India to Japan to the Philippines and every country in between in Asia. See below for our pictures of the Gucci boutique in the Ginza district of Tokyo.

Interesting Note
In 1972 and 1973 you could buy the AMC Hornet with a Gucci luxury trim package. In 1979 and 80 you could also buy a Cadillac Seville by Gucci from an aftermarket company in Miami...I think.

In addition to their leather goods, they offer men's, women's and unisex sunglasses. These sunglasses retail from about $220 to $500. I like the 1561S and the 1871S.

Gucci Ginza Tokyo Japan Gucci Ginza Tokyo Japan
Gucci Store, Ginza District, Tokyo (Fall 2009) Gucci Store, Ginza District, Tokyo (Fall 2009)
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